Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Generation 3 Babies 3:2

Hi =D

Welcome Back! 

  Generation 3 is on the way! Button and Daisy are married and she's pregnant. Onward...

The family has changed a little over the generations. XD

It's a sad day... Linga, Knut, and Knot are moving out. 
The house was getting to crowded and I didn't want them to die here, either. 

Charles will stay. He's my special Bigfoot Zombie. :)

Cake? You don't get my cake. XD
Yes, I know you don't like her. :(

*Crap! Stop it, Emmy. 

Uh, you know you don't live here any more. Lol XD

Baby Bump #1
Daisy has to earn a Gold badge in Robotics.

Button has earned his Gold Robotics badge. 
This is Servolant, our new Servo for the family. 
I guess one each generation needs one. :)

Servolant wants a job so he gets one. :)

It didn't take too long for Daisy to earn a gold badge. She must have had one already. 

Servolant's picture for the house.

Baby Time! 

Aw! Osprie is born. 
Following the BoolprOp.c naming plan. 

"Hi, Osprie!" -Crowd chants

Daisy handed Osprie to Button. She had to go eat something.

The next child was conceived not long after dinner. 

Business was open and money was being Hussled by Charles. 

Button finished his book for his generation. 

Then it was time to signal those Aliens. 

I realized he could carry a baby. Two birds with one stone kinda thing. :)

They answered his call and baby chimes played. 

It was morning when Button went upstairs to tell his wife. 
"Honey, we have to talk."
And then he ran to the bathroom. XD

*How the heck do you know him?
Not one Sim you know has ever seen him. O.o

They have 3 of the generations in books. 1 more to go. 

Servolant is great with the babies- like all the Servos. He feeds them like clockwork. :)

Mom was kinda busy playing in the tub. 

"The space ship zoomed down to Earth. Twirling and bumping it's way all the way to the house..."
Remembering his travels. XD

"It hurt like hell."
"Ahahah. Your story is so funny. As if."

Simself visits and gets a Bigfoot hug. XD

Baby Bump!

Osprie is growing up!

Ta-Da! Toddlerfied. =D

*Mmmm, cake*'

I know... you're hungry. 

Emmy just doesn't like the family. 

That's it, finish your cake. I'll move the chair for you. XD

Daisy was doing bad after Emmy scared her, Energizer to the Rescue.

Aw- Daisy went and collected a Gnome! 

Hush up, Emmy. They're Phil's family. :(

Dang it.

Baby Bump #1

D'aw- family play time is so cute.

Freaking Crap! What's up with you, Servorlant?

D'aw... Osprie loves the white wolfie. 

Servorlant wants to be abducted, too.

No one cares. They know Servorlant will be fine. 

Lol! Charles has a good laugh when Servolant returned. XD

He goes right back out there. Why not, the lot is full again. :D 

"Congrats on moving out of this madhouse."
Pffft- it's a normal Sim family. 

*Hi, Linga! 
She's still cute. 

Grandma meets her granddaughter, Osprie. 

Woot! A new, cheap fridge. XD

Linga catching up with everyone.

Gossiping about Charles? How could you-- he's a sweetheart.

Button is getting some water and Daisy is getting off her feet. :)

Guess what's behind this door?

That's right. Daisy has decided to give birth in the bathroom, the smallest bathroom. XD

Welcome Pamia to the family. :D

Put her right into the baby booster because Daisy has something to do...

Not this... 

Daisy has a whole line of Gnomes to go get! XD

But here's the last baby of the challenge- C: Cotton DeMingo
Welcome to the family. :D

Osprie, Pamia, and Cotton all in a row. D'awww. XD

Spam... Osprie!
More Spam- Pamia and Cotton
Moar Baby spammmm. 

Okay, time for Osprie to grow up. O.o

Servolant has his own idea of feeding time.

Oh, no... Did I? I hope not. It was probably a date. XD

Charles has hit his 2nd LTW- maxing his skills. 

There's child Osprie, playing soccer. 

"You have to learn some other skills besides sports." -Daisy
"But I'm good at sports and I want to dance." -Oolia

Study time is over. 

Baby grow up time and a Best of the Best award- again. :D

Pamia is a toddler!
Love the eyes. O.O

"I didn't get a piece of cake."
It's on the table. Stop complaining or fill out our forms. 

Little Cotton isn't ready to age up. 

Now he is! 

D'aw- Sooo cute.
Ears and eyes and hair. Squuueee. XD

Toddler training time. 


I think Cotton is my favorite right now... followed by Oolia. 

"Mom! Mooom."

Osprie is making money. Her dad would be so proud. 

Servolant wants to be abducted 3 times now.

"Woot~ Way to go, Osprie! What a sumersault!" 

"That's tight enough!" 
Bigfoot hugs makes Charles happy.
Yes! Osprie is a Gnome Hunter! 

Button wanted to play soccer and Servolant wasn't doing anything but star gazing.

*Dang it, Servolant!
I leave you alone for one minute... sigh.

I think this is a great time to stop. He'll be sleeping for a little while before he can recharge. 
Yeah, I forgot to check his aspiration meter. XD

 Thanks so much for Reading and Happy Simming! <3

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