Welcome back to another Chapter of my Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge.
Last chapter my founder, Phil, died. Linga had taken over as the Heir and I'm doing the Golden Trio with her triplets.
I also lost the Bad Apple mini-challenge when I realized I wasn't good enough to do both it and the Golden Trio mini challenge. And since I already had the triplets... GT challenge won out. :)
Chapter 2:5
Witches and werewolves and bigfoot, oh, my
Grandma Emmy is teaching the kids Tia Chi.
The Gnomes are secretly studying the moves, too. O.o
The Gnomes are secretly studying the moves, too. O.o
I'm trying for the Monster Mash point.
I don't know if letting the weeds go will make the bugs show up faster. :(
I don't know if letting the weeds go will make the bugs show up faster. :(
It came to me that if the plants were over watered more then they might get more bugs... so now Linga is working on being a Bad Witch. She can call the storms and over water the plants easier.
Lol! Everyday Charlie's co-workers give him something. This time it's a nice chair. I wonder if it's fear or happiness which makes them do this? XD
After school fun activities. XD
They needed hot chocolate after all that play...
Just a reminder for the Boolprop.c naming scheme-
from left to right is-
Loni, Phang, & Rolf
Just a reminder for the Boolprop.c naming scheme-
from left to right is-
Loni, Phang, & Rolf
Yay- Bugs!
"No, Please! Noooo. *sniff*"
Poor Michelle, her life is miserable.
Poor Michelle, her life is miserable.
Good night Bigfoot Hugs!
Lol~ Sorry but it's so cool seeing my Alien, Wolf, Witch Sim. :D
Woot- testing the rain.
Crap, I forgot about the other bugs. XD
Emmy is having such a good laugh by Michelle's UFO trip.
Emmy is having such a good laugh by Michelle's UFO trip.
Where do you think you're going?
"I want to move out of this insane house."
You can't. They need you to cook and clean.
"I want to move out of this insane house."
You can't. They need you to cook and clean.
While the kids were in school, Linga went to town to buy a magazine for the kids to learn 3 interests.
"Look, look, look. I got an A+!"
"Yay! I got an A+, too."
"Dad, dad, look at my grade!"
"Look dad. I got an +A on my school report."
All the kids got them today... triplets. XD
All the kids got them today... triplets. XD
I did have Emmy paint outside. Her meter was full but I never can tell.
Omgoodness! Now I know why Emmy never fulfilled her wants to interact with her family. . . Linga isn't her child. She's Phil's alien baby so her kids are not related to Emmy at all. I should have paid better attention.
I wonder if she felt out of place? I hope not, they all loved her. :(
I wonder if she felt out of place? I hope not, they all loved her. :(
Michelle working for the family. She's a grump but her hobby is cooking so don't feel too bad for her.
For some reason I took out the Easel mod and this is what happened. I didn't know I had used it but it seems like I did. All the family pictures are gone...
But this one~ Yay for the founder's Pictures. <3
Penguin Picture cause I love 'em. :)
Everyone was invited back to get their pictures taken...
"Scooch over here so we can have our picture taken."
This is what Michelle does after I make her clean.
"Because I don't want to be here."
"Because I don't want to be here."
"I wish I had a Bigfoot, too."
"Don't stare at my house with your telescope!"
Lol~ Michelle was spying on my Legacy family.
Lol~ Michelle was spying on my Legacy family.
"I'll eat your face."
"Wha? I was... was... only. Never mind."
"Wha? I was... was... only. Never mind."
I have no idea who did it... but I bet is was Michelle.
"NO it wasn't."
Yah uh. XD
"NO it wasn't."
Yah uh. XD
He was down to a few skills after being Zombiefied, so he's tossing wants to learn his skills back. :)
"Woot! No school today."
It's a snow day and I actually let them stay home.
Rolf has a skill to earn to get all his challenge skills.
It's a snow day and I actually let them stay home.
Rolf has a skill to earn to get all his challenge skills.
Michelle was working out...
"The better to fight you,"
when Knut got a want to flirt with her.
"The better to fight you,"
when Knut got a want to flirt with her.
"OMGawd, you just didn't do that? Ahahahah."
I swear she laughed at him. O.o
I swear she laughed at him. O.o
Knut immediately regretted it. Sad little romance Sim.
No, you will not tell her you wanted to cheat on her.
He sat there admiring his wife.
The snow didn't last long.
He sat there admiring his wife.
The snow didn't last long.
Today Charlie was given a grill master. XD
Phang played piano while Loni danced- it was so cute to watch. =D
"Hurry up and eat. I've got a lot of other things to do."
"I hate making the beds. I don't have a neat point."
You could. I could kill you again and raise you up.
You could. I could kill you again and raise you up.
"No, please don't."
She did her chores quicker.
She did her chores quicker.
"Hi, Rflong7. Have I told you how pretty and smart you are?"
"No, you haven't. Go ahead and tell me."
My Simself is so sweet. XD
"No, you haven't. Go ahead and tell me."
My Simself is so sweet. XD
She needed to meet the next generation anyway....
She needed to meet the next generation anyway....
"Don't you need a maid or a live in house keeper?"
"But you don't clean worth a dang."
"But you don't clean worth a dang."
Linga went to the Club, since it was the weekend. It's another place to plant and hope for more bugs.
Birdie visited. She gets in free because she's family.
Orly visits, too.
It's always fun to see them stop by.
It's always fun to see them stop by.
"What? Why are you all staring at me?"
"Mmmhmm. You're hot."
Lol! XD
"Mmmhmm. You're hot."
Lol! XD
I changed the weather for fall. I know one season has to help in bug production... I want a PlantSim. =]
Where are the bugs?
Then I thought, there's another lot with a huge amount of plants- My Legacy's farm.
There were many bugs but nothing... no plantsim.
Back at Club Boolprop....
Lots of Stars were lost when a flamingo caught on fire from the lightning.
And while I was watching those Sims panic and jump around...
It Happened! Linga transitioned into a PlantSim.
It Happened! Linga transitioned into a PlantSim.
Back home she was awarded with her Nature plaque for all her hard work with plants.
Too Cool!
An Alien, Werewolf, Witch, PlantSim- my First again.
~Squeee!~ XD
An Alien, Werewolf, Witch, PlantSim- my First again.
~Squeee!~ XD
Lol~ Yay
Lol~ Yay
The kids getting their skills.
Michelle never puts her books back. She'll do it tomorrow when I tell her.
Michelle never puts her books back. She'll do it tomorrow when I tell her.
Here is when I noticed my Founder's graves are gone.
Poof! Not here. *sniff*
Poof! Not here. *sniff*
Crud... I forgot about the plantSim hair and the witch's hat. :(
I did find the answer was in my Batbox all along though so I'm happy. XD
I did find the answer was in my Batbox all along though so I'm happy. XD
She had a wish...
I figured...Sure! This will be fun.
This is Button, Linga's little Spore baby.
He's a he.
He's a he.
Lol! O.o
I caught her while she was blinking.
I caught her while she was blinking.
It was time to work on Knut's baby...
I need an Alien each generation.
I need an Alien each generation.
Lol! He's so funny looking.
Knut had a want to be a Werewolf. XD
Knut had a want to be a Werewolf. XD
Loni teased her little brother.
It seems like Michelle doesn't care.
It seems like Michelle doesn't care.
Aw... Button walked outside to dance in front of the Servos.
"Hey, You. Come buy some lemonade."
Knut couldn't handle it. The next day he rolled the wish to be cured.
Chicken... Don't roll the want again. Which he will, like the next day.
"Can I stop now dad? I've got 3 full skills now."
Ehehehe- Loving it.
"Bye, Michelle. We'll miss you."
"Yeah, whatever."
She was so happy to move out. O.O
"Yeah, whatever."
She was so happy to move out. O.O
Rolf has finally got all his skills. All the kids are done with skills.
Party Time!
Someone has to take a gnome or it wouldn't be fun.
Someone has to take a gnome or it wouldn't be fun.
Number 2 Gnome taker. XD
"Were you scary as a ghost?"
"What are you talking about? I'm a zombie, not a ghost."
"What are you talking about? I'm a zombie, not a ghost."
Loni was first to the cake.
Aww, she's so cute.
Dang... a Family/Pleasure Sim. XD
Phang and then Rolf are next...
Cool, Rolf looks nice and got some good clothes.
Rolf is a Family/Popularity Sim, too.
Oopsie- bad picture taking. XD
Oopsie- bad picture taking. XD
Phang is a Romance/Fortune Sim.
Friend making... the next part of the Triple challenge. They need 3 BFs outside the family.
I love the Voodoo doll. XD
I love the Voodoo doll. XD
Knut did go to work during the party...I didn't see him leave.

They love to slap dance in this family.
I did get all the pictures replaced.
New clothes are needed for the teens.
The kids go by themselves.
Oh, no~The voodoo doll friendship option failed.
Ever the happy Family Sim, Phang wants to meet a new Sim and a little flirt.
Back home, Loni's new outfit... Phang went to bed. It's tiring flirting with non receptive Sims.
I have two Gnome Savers on the same night~Sweet!
That's it for this update. I've got to get them to the top of a teen career, into private school, and to earn 4k. I wonder if the earning is in scholarships? XD
Thanks so much for Reading and Happy Simming! <3
That's it for this update. I've got to get them to the top of a teen career, into private school, and to earn 4k. I wonder if the earning is in scholarships? XD
Thanks so much for Reading and Happy Simming! <3
The End. :)
Check out Boolprop.net
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