Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Uni Days 2:1

Hi! =D

Finally, an update with the DeMingo family. 

First off,
Linga won the heir vote~ Yayayyy! =D
And they're in Uni~Uni takes so long... *sigh*


I leave them alone for a few minutes and they're singing the sea shanty. No...I don't want it to be a "Thing."

After gathering them all in a dorm for the heir vote and pictures, they had money for their own house. It's green and so retro. XD

First- to make friends and, well, cook hot dogs by going to a Uni Community lot.

Sigh... the Slap dance is a "Thing" now. 

   Oh... pretty new Sim and she's in the Secret Society. Met her- now, Orick! 

My friend maker. It makes him and me happy. XD
They met enough SS Sims- well, Orick did.

Back home the flamingos were placed and their guard Gnome.
They got watered, too.  They love water, right?

See.... the slap dance is now a "Thing." :(

I almost forgot to make this a Greek house. Who can turn down free pizza and a chance for free cheap stuff?

"What do I want..."
Yes, I brought the Genie to Uni. I've got a Bad Apple in the house. 
She wished to be happy or whichever makes them platinum.

"I know what we should do."


"Doesn't anyone else want something?"
Not right now... they're Par-ta-ing.

Wee! Free Stuffes. 

*mouth breathing*
Stop looking at my Simself!... O.O

Orly is trying to make friends and the mouth breather is trying to touch her. O.O

Lol! It looked like she thinks the radio is a fireplace- she's warming her tushie. XD

"Sorry, ma'am. I've got something unexpected happening right now."
Oh, well. 

You can't tell but... the house is over-run with SS memebers. O.O

Gather around, my minions. :D

What magic the SS has? XD

"Yes! I waited all night but I knew you all needed me."
"Yeah, okay. So,..."
Yep- Platinum, too. 

Bye! ~All 3 wishes have been used. 

Since Linga is the heir she has to earn a Gold Robotics badge.
"This is boring."
Yeah, for me, too. *wanders off to play other Sims* =D

Stupid Sim. I thought she was going to steal the gnome. XD

"Oh, hiiii."
"Hey. I was just walking bye."
Cute new Sims. O.O

Party over here!
Why not... Everyday one of them wants a party. Or I should say, everyday they all want a party and only one gets to throw it. 

*Le sigh*

   It was Linga's turn to be inducted into the SS.

Greek house Pizza! 

They went to the Uni community lots before classes. That way they went twice a day, time kept going, and they didn't have to do much other Uni work. 
"Yeah- Puddles!"
Fer sure.

Birdie does this on her own. =D

She keeps herself happy by slap dancing, too.

It's Par-ta time.

"Hi... you're cute."
"You are, too."
Yep, these two are very compatible. 

They're on a date. Why not... it's just another party. 

"But I'm on a date? Can't you wait a few hours?"
It was a short first date. 

And they partied on...

"Great, fun. Can I leave now?"

Lol! She didn't leave fast enough.
I put a gate in to see who their Zombie would be...

Who is it?

Lol! It's Lydia. I've always liked her. 

"It's a dream come true!"

"Aahaha! Zombie dance."
You're not going to make that a thing. :(

It was time to add a new member.

Lydia McGuire, you've chosen to be our Zombie.


"This SS is Rich. Rich! Why couldn't you spend more money for me?"
"Uh... I don't know."

She magically transported to the lot. Waiting for Orly.... O.O

The next night Birdie was inducted. 

Of course, Orick is Lydia's first BF in the house.

"Isn't anyone going to be shocked?"
"What? Oh, you... nah."

Woot! Gold Robotics Badge- score.

 "You suck."
"You stink."
They don't get along... :D

Par-ta and the Rents got invited~ Nice.

Nice work!
Lydia has stolen back their Gnome. :D

I thought he'd be a match for Birdie, he wasn't.

Orly has found her match. 

ACR... does its work.

DAng it, ACR! This wasn't supposed to happen. 
"Oh, yeah!" -both

Gawh... hearts, too. 
Don't stand there.... Simselves are so dumb. XD

Just a fun picture. 

"My father's here? Which one?"

I forgot his name... Oopsie. XD
I'm just happy the Cow didn't flirt with anyone.

Lol~ stop that and go get our Gnome. 

Ta-Da! Time to do something else for awhile.

Husband Hunting in Twikkii Island. 

"Oh, My Goodness!"
She got there as the Voodoo Doctor was electrocuting himself. O.O

Lingo did all the fixing for him.

And got the voodoo doll. 
I love the Voodoo doll. XD

Oh... I remember him. 
So glad she doesn't have any chemistry with Jim. 

"No means No."
"It was only a flirt."

Well, they're friends now. No chemistry but so what.

Just playing. XD

Because we can. XD

No husbands on Twikkii island.

And she didn't dig up anything to pay for it. :(

"You do that again and I'll reach down your throat and pull off your face," giggles manically.

"I lob dis."

Enough of Uni... Husband hunting again but now in Takemizu Village.

"Can you date?"
"Oh, no. Not me. I'm not date-able, thank the heavens."

"Hm... women. What's the world of Ninja coming to? You're not worthy."

"I'm just going to bow down...."

"and flash you!" XD

"Uh, no. Just not in my league."

"You don't... find me cute just a tiny bit?"

"You've very handsome. Will you take my flower?"
Rose, take this rose. Gurlll... XD

They're actually on a date. He was the only one...


He's Cool- he got her right back. XD

Oh, stop that. You take it if you give it. 

They had a wonderful date- Awesome! She's found a husband.
His name is Knut. ~Lol! Yes... yes it is.

She's answered the question and didn't have to flash him now that they're both Ninjas. 

Woo! Someone was doing Tai Chi, Linga can pass this on. 

Back to Uni and Life goes on as normal. 
Warning- Pancakes break the gravity barrier.

Dang it, ACR! I will remove you. :(
She does have 3 bolts with him, so... 

"I'm the pleasure Sim. I need dates."

"No, no. I can take it from here."

The last date was okay but I wanted to find him someone better. 

Heehee- I love how they jump into the booth. XD

"I bet you would look stunning in a dress."

It's just a picture. They're got chemistry but I don't know how many Slobs I can handle. XD

I don't think that's yours.
"I've got it, it's mine."

"Your heart or your face, choose!"

No, I did it. I made them all learn Tai Chi. XD

"For my Sweet Baby."
I'm just happy it's Finals! 

Yeah, I'm sure he'll treasure it.
whispers *cheapskate* XD

Orrick is the first to Graduate! 
Uni is almost over... *weak with relief* :D

He's also the first to go home...He has to earn 3 Career Rewards before he can start his own life. 

Thanks so much for reading!  I hope you liked it. 
Check out for more Awesome Sims2 Stories. 

Next chapter - more Graduates. *tosses Confetti* <3

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